Thursday, February 24, 2011

Week 6: Final Pictures


  Craft: The assignment was to fix the pictures from our previous one from the help of my classmates. I made two changes to the two pictures.

Composition: In order to make make these pictures better than the first ones, I made the pictures brighter looking so you can see the colors more vibrant. I made the nails overlap each other more without leaving any gaps. Now you cant see any black in the background.

Concept: Now the pictures reflect a better understanding of what I tried doing the first time. The concept of these pictures is the same as my first ones which is pretty much anything can be turned into something else and you might not even know exactly what it is even if you try to guess until you are told what it is you. You might not believe what you are told because its crazy how one thing can be turned into another picture creating more and more art.

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